Navigating Disruption

So far 2023 has been full of lots of program execution, recalibration, and also another solid dose of required resilience on the personal front. And from all the clients I interface with each month, I sense I am not alone in these life themes.

Many of us have faced disruptions to our plans and our daily lives in the past several months. And if you haven’t, trust me - change and challenge are coming for you because it is all just part of being alive. A disruption can be a loss, a health challenge, a professional shift, an unexpected opportunity, or anything that feels mentally or emotionally consuming.

When I am facing into a disruption to the flow of my life and schedule, I lean into these practices to keep my mind clear and confident:


We all have our people… you know who they are. They are ready to give if I am willing to practice receiving. All I have to do is tell them how I am really feeling and they are there. They check-in, send random texts, they know when I need to hear a supportive voice, they drop things off without asking and they ease the way. When I face into a disruption that requires a lot of my energy or depleting my joy, I lean into my people. 


During hectic times, as much as I cannot stand to ask for a shift to a call or meeting, I work hard to surrender when I need to re-architect my days in order to navigate the hard things I am facing into. Instead of waiting until the very last moment (kidding myself that I will have capacity and focus), I look ahead (whenever possible) and respect my colleagues’ time by giving as much notice as I can when rescheduling is needed. I think the key to this is to create a track record of dependability, then when you need to ask for grace, it is usually honored and respected.


I am a night owl so prioritizing sleep often looks like rising slowly. It’s different for everyone but there is no doubt that deep, restful sleep matters. I lean into plant medicine and natural supplements to support me when I am struggling to rest my body and mind. I also increase my doses of all things that boost my immunity, focus, and physical/mental endurance. 


Sometimes this looks like reading from my favorite poets or coaches who share this message in a million ways. Other times, it is a mantra I repeat to myself in the shower, in bed, or anytime I am feeling anxious and uncertain. Reminding myself that no feeling or situation will last forever can make a huge difference for my nervous system because often my mind likes to operate like a runaway train that is quick to head towards catastrophic thinking. It seems to be a dance between reminding myself of impermanence and also being in the present moment. It’s the dance of a lifetime!

I hope these 4 practices may feel supportive to you when you feel challenged by the unexpected. As a co-active business coach, I do my best to remind my clients that all the strategies and concepts we cover in business coaching sessions are also quite applicable to our personal lives as well. After all, we are all just humans trying to find our way. 

PS. It’s not about doing any of these things perfectly, its just about focus and prioritization on these 4 practices whenever possible.

Ciera Krinke

At Digital Box Designs we specialize in all things Squarespace web design, and optimize your site through thoughtful and strategic copywriting and search engine optimization.

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